

August 15, 2024


How something so small can cause so much misery! Over the last couple of days we've had 4 cats come into our care via officers ...

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July 30, 2024

Watch out for things that bite!

Protect your rabbits from pests this summer We know the weather hasn't exactly been scorching this 'summer'  However, the...

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July 5, 2024

Don’t wait for the deadline!

If you own a young XL bully type dog, plan their neutering now If you own an XL bully who was under a year on the 31st Jan 2024...

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July 1, 2024

Going on holiday?

Make it a safe getaway for your pet too! Lots of people are gearing up to a vacation in the sun or staying in the UK for a weeks...

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May 21, 2024

Tick alert

They may be small but they bite and can cause real problems Branch Deputy Donna was up in the Scottish Borders last Saturday...

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March 28, 2024

Easter Hours and advice

Keep your pets safe this Easter break This weekend there will be treats a go go in a lot of homes  However, did you know that...

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November 2, 2023

Bang out of order!

Pets and fireworks At this time of year, fireworks are not the reserve of organised displays for Bonfire night and Diwali and...

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September 25, 2023

Guinea Pig Awareness week 2023

25th - 29th September - adopt don't shop Guinea pigs are delightful little animals but they are often misunderstood This week is...

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September 11, 2023

Remember a charity in your will week 11th – 17th Sep

The gift of kindness It's not something anyone wants to think about your own demise  People often put off making a will but the...

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