Please read the following carefully. In an emergency situation you can report cruelty, neglect or an animal in distress by ringing the RSPCA National Control room on 0300 1234 999. There is no online facility to report concerns.
Read our checklist to help identify the information we may ask when you contact us.
You can call the RSPCA between 8am and 6pm on 0300 1234 999 The helpline is there to report animal cruelty and neglect. Calls charged at your local rate from a BT Landline and mobile. Calls from other networks may vary.
Use the online feature at National RSPCA’s website for further advice. Due to Avian Flu and unprecedented demand the frontline officers and rescue teams are prioritising the most serious cases of cruelty and neglect.
Disclaimer: The RSPCA Cruelty Line is not operated by this branch of the RSPCA, but nationally through the RSPCA headquarters. We cannot be held responsible for these services and the outcomes of your requests.
The RSPCA Cruelty Line is not operated by this branch of the RSPCA, but nationally through the RSPCA headquarters. We cannot be held responsible for these services and the outcomes of your requests.
0300 1234 999