Protect your rabbits from pests this summer

We know the weather hasn’t exactly been scorching this ‘summer’.  However, the combination of wet and now warm humid conditions makes a breeding ground for pests that can cause misery for our pets.

Bunnies in particular can be prone to a distressing condition which occurs more frequently in warmer weather, flystrike. This can happen in hours and if left untreated is painful and potentially life threatening.

Flystrike is when flies lay their eggs on another animal. Maggots hatch and they then eat into the skin of their host.

Flystrike occurs when:

  • Animals have soiled or dirty fur.
  • Animals are poorly or can’t groom themselves properly, faeces attracting the flies.
  • Rabbit are over fed and are not redigesting caecotrophs.
  • Animals that have open wounds.

Prevention is always better than cure

All animals, even the most pampered pets, can become victims.  There are things you can do to lessen the chances of flystrike.

  • Keep a closer eye on your pets when it’s warm.
  • Check their whole body and remove any matts or soiled fur carefully.
  • Pay particular attention to their rear end.
  • Keep hutches dry and clean, remove soiled shavings and clean indoor litter trays frequently.
  • Is your female rabbit neutered? If not we can help with the cost as entire female rabbits are more prone to flystrike and also uterine cancer.
  • Keep up to date with vaccination and parasite control for your pets.  Biting insects (fleas and mosquitos) can transmit disease when they bite.

Contact you vet for more advice on parasite control to help reduce the risk to your furry friends.

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