Make it a safe getaway for your pet too!

Lots of people are gearing up to a vacation in the sun or staying in the UK for a weeks holidays.  Packing our sun cream and bucket and spade is exciting for us but have you thought about your pet? It can be a stressful experience for them so preparing in advance helps.  Can you take them with you or do you need to book boarding or a house sitter?

Sadly, during the summer months traditionally more abandonments occur.

‘I couldn’t get my dog into a kennel?’
‘My friend let me down who was going to feed my rabbits’
‘Our cat isn’t vaccinated so the cattery wouldn’t take her!’

These are just some of the excuses we have heard from people over the years who, despite not having made arrangements for their pets care, have chosen to go on holiday.


  • Frequently dogs accompany their owners on breaks.  However there are things to consider
  • Check their chip is up to date first and foremost.
  • Make sure you can transport your dog safely.  Crates, so often used now in houses were actually designed to house dogs whilst travelling.
  • Get a new tag for their collar with your holiday address and check where the nearest emergency vets are.
  • Some beaches don’t allow dogs, check before you book to avoid disappointment.
  • Dogs recall not good? Keep them on a lead.

Cats & other small pets

  • Our canine chums on the whole settle in new surroundings but for cats & small animals, the change can be too much.
  • A cat in a strange house will need to be kept indoors, just as they would if you moved.
  • Freedom to go outside increases the risk of loss or straying in an unfamiliar environment.
  • Small furries and rabbits’ accommodation will need to go with them.
  • They will need to be kept away from stressful situations.

Holiday boarding or pet sitting

  • If you are not taking your pet with you, you will need to arrange boarding or a pet sitter.
  • Your pet will require full vaccinations and be up to date with flea and worm treatment.
  • Check the establishment is fully licensed and visit well before your holiday.  You should feel happy to leave your pet in the boarding facilities care. Questions should be welcomed by a reputable pets hotel.
  • Hiring a pet sitter or trusting a friend or neighbour is an alternative to boarding.
  • Check credentials, references and insurance of any pet sitting business.
  • Have a contingency plan in place for emergencies by providing contact details, listing your routine, there’s plenty food and supplies and essentially your vet/insurance providers numbers.

Going abroad with your pet

  • You will require an animal health certificate from your vet issued no more than 10 days before travelling.
  • Depending on your destination, extra vaccinations and parasite control may be required.
  • For more information you can visit the Pet Travel Scheme or call their helpline on 0370 241 1710.

Making sure your pet is happy and safe by considering their needs before getting the suitcases out of the loft  means everyone will have a good time.



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