How something so small can cause so much misery!

Over the last couple of days we’ve had 4 cats come into our care via officers.  These were 2 pairs from different addresses but all 4 had one thing in common, they were absolutely infested with fleas.  Working in rescue, flea bites go with the territory, even one or two are insanely itchy. We can’t imagine what it feels like to be covered and being bitten all over.

They are not only irritating but can be dangerous.  Young or vulnerable animals can suffer significant anaemia with a heavy flea burden as these wee beasts are blood suckers!

However, the solution to the problem isn’t difficult. A regular, vet strength treatment will keep your pets parasite free or begin to break the cycle if they’ve taken hold in your property.  Fleas can lie dormant in soft furnishings & carpets.  If you do get a problem tackle it by hoovering frequently.  Empty the cylinder or bag after and wash throws and covers.  Also, use a vet recommended household treatment and you will soon be rid of the little pests.

Prevention, as always is better than cure. Don’t go for the cheaper treatment options, get something from your vet otherwise you may not only be out of pocket but also have a potential nightmare that these small but mighty parasites can cause.

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